1 Audit/check/Inventory/review: General documentation: do not impove until you understand the environment (do backup before change) Crucial services inventory: Identify mission critical services and where they are hosted; identify who is responsible for them if its not you [DR] Disaster Recovery Plan: Backups are running properly? Backup rotation? Last DR test? Automated? In case of my absence? [BC] Business Continuity Plan [BIA] Business Impact Analysis Network topology: configuration (backup?), passwords, routers, gateways, subnets, vlans, static addresses, dhcp, labeled cables Power supply/UPS ISP: contact, agreements, SLA, contracts Support for environment's components: contact, agreements, consultants, SLA, contracts; renew/remedy any issues regarding lack of support, get replacement parts in a timely fashion, maintenance contract situation VPN / Remote Access Firewall policies: understand what's being permitted/blocked AV: existing on systems (servers, desktops, mobiles), activated, updated, custom exclusions Password repository: existing? Up to date? Admin accounts: running services Encryption certificates expiration date Windows Updates: policies, working? Applications updates: policies? automated? Software Inventory: licences (with charges), warranty, legal Hardwar Inventory: warranty, replacements parts, end of life cycle situation Scheduler jobs on servers GPOs review Scripts review Observe network/systems: to know what is "normal" behavior; known problems; check logs Study last audits reports. Process reviews for incidents, problems management, service requests, escalation [ITIL] [Optional]: Phone systems - VOIP;Skype for Business;other communication solutions/channels 2 Prepare/make Crisis kit: fire safe place, vendor contacts, emergency numbers, screwdriver, towel, deodorant, phone charger, headache medication, cable tester, takeout menu Meetings: with heads of departmentswhat their team does, what they use, what their major issues are Make a "Small wins": list that you can fix that will give you a bit of face to work with - this will contribute to people trusting that you're a professional there to provide a service. 3 Change Budget: now and in the future; limit extra useless PCs/laptops Categorize tickets: for future analizing Monitoring software: Icinga (or other software); iLo/iDrac sending mails; enable smart monitoring on disks, UPSes Clean up lazy permissions IDS/IPS (Intrusion Detection System/Intrusion Prevention System) if no existed certs expiring Domain Names expiring aintenance contract situation . Hardware end of life cycle situation. Study last audits reports.